Contact Matawan BBQ Restaurant
Matawan BBQ Restaurant Address
305 Route 34
Old Bridge, NJ 07747
Old Bridge, NJ 07747
For Mailing Correspondance please use
Big Ed’s BBQ
305 Route 34
Matawan, NJ 07747
Regular Hours
- Open 7 Days a Week
- 11:30 am to last seating at 9:00pm
- all hours subject to change at anytime – please call ahead to verify we are still open that evening!
Note: In the event of inclement weather, please call the restaurant before traveling to verify that Big Ed’s is still open.
Holiday Hours
- Closed every Thanksgiving
- Open half day for lunch, take-out and gift certificates on Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day closed
- Easter Sunday closed
All hours are subject to change at any time without notice.